
Smart classroom with IOT system (attendance system using Raspberry pi and STM32)

Abstract  :   In today’s world automation, gaining a lot of importance and IOT is becoming more popular day by day. Technology has affected us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education.  Quality of education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. The Smart Learning approach provides learners of all ages and   backgrounds with a framework and a host of Smart Thinking Tools that motivate higher levels of understanding This project focuses on smart classrooms by installing connected devices and smart Display systems. What is a smart classroom? It’s a new educational concept. On the one hand, a smart learning environment enables learners to access digital resources and interact with learning systems in any place and at any time. On the other hand, it actively provides the necessary learning guidance, hints, supportive tools learning suggestions to them in the right place, a...
Introduction: In this project, I am trying to ensure a direct communication between  STM32F4  and  Raspberry Pi 2,  Those two boards are connected  through a serial communication ( UART ) which is the process of sending data bit by bit sequentially   . In the meanwhile i will upload the same data to an IOT platform named “ ThingSpeak ” using the  http protocol  . Description: the main task is to collect live data from  LDR sensor  and send it to thingspeak to be plotted in a graph. As a start , let’s write  a small code on the  IAR   E mbedded  W orkbench for  ARM  and upload  it to the STM32F4 board . EWARM   is a development environment that includes a C/C++ compiler and debugger . To make the task a bit easier , i’ve used the  STM32cubeMX  which is a graphical software configuration tool that allows generating C initialization code usi...